
Posts Tagged ‘spiderman’

Hi Steven, thanks for joining us for this final blog-post in our mini-series introducing the local writers we’re collaborating with for the project up here in the North East. I’m hugely looking forward to performing in Newcastle for the first time this week, have you got any performance experiences in the area that particularly stand out?
One of my best performance experiences was when I performed as part of a student festival in my mid teens. The experience was fantastic because I performed on the Theatre Royal stage in Newcastle, which is something (growing up in Newcastle) that is amazing to actually do when you see real productions on there yourself. With it being part of the festival too, there was a great audience of excited participants, families etc., so the buzz of excitement was brilliant and I had a lot of fun performing.

Great stuff, can’t wait to see you do your thing at the events for this project on Saturday! Our plan with the blog is give people a little taster of what they might expect from you at the performance events, so maybe you could tell us the tagline for your piece, and even treat us to a little extract?
Ok, so the tagline is: “It all starts with the opening of the packet, and winning has never tasted so satisfying.”

and here’s a little quote from the piece:
“The day started like no other. The cool, brightness of the early morning sun washes the room with a haze of bright light. The soft, fluffy, dark green carpet nestled between my toes as I walk towards the phone.”

Intriguing! Sounds like a domestic setting then – maybe the family home? On that note, another thing we’re asking you guys is what’s the speciality dish when your family get together?
It would probably be a meat based dish of delight. Usually pork chops, with Sunday roast inspired vegetables and Yorkshire pudding. Perfect any day of the year.

Ha ha, nice one – a popular choice! Final question then, who was (or is) your childhood hero?
I was just like many young kids when it came to action heroes. With things like Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles particular favourites (and to which I’m sure is true with regard to teenage mutant ninja turtles!). But, my hero as a kid has to have been Spiderman. He was just fantastic, what he stood for, how he flew around the city but ultimately just because he is so cool.

Quality, thanks man – consider yourself introduced!

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