
Posts Tagged ‘peader kirk’





Above, a sample of the plates filled in by our glorious audiences on the last Saturday of Juice Festival. Below, a poetic selection from their family gathering ‘top fives’…

Underlying tension and sibling rivalry. Chaos. Too much food.
Nibbles, alcohol, a controversial granny.
One child under a table. Chaos.
Cracker jokes. Drunken parents. Love train/conga
Chaos. Too much food. Arguments over
whether we should read through the rules of the game
before we start (which takes ages!)
or just start and learn as we go along.
Chaos. Not enough chairs. Karaoke.
Christmas presents. Batteries not included.
Grandparents: war tales and medical updates
At least one embarrassing incident
Good company ,Silly games, chaos
Too much food…

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Hi Maria, loving the photo – you always have great hats! Really excited to have you involved with the project – as with Ryan lets start at the start – what made you want to write initially?
I assume I started writing due to the realisation that real life is nothing compared to worlds where exciting things happen all the time, and it’s even better when YOU get to pick and choose ANYTHING that can happen. Maybe I was just power-hungry at a young age…

Any writers, poets or otherwise, that you particularly admire?
My favourite poet might be E. E. Cummings, though my opinion fluctuates between his work being quite profound and stimulating, to simply ridiculous so that it is just comical.

There’s definitely a liberal helping of comedy in your piece for the show, what’s the tagline?

“Grandma’s Soup: Where do the boundaries of politeness lie?”

Ha ha, nice! Finally, but perhaps most importantly, what is your family’s speciality dish/meal when it’s time for a get together?
My Mum’s classic Miscellaneous Cheese Bake will keep you on your feet with the endless surprises in store, if you dare to venture beneath the cheese…

Brilliant, thanks for that!

To find out more about the event that Maria, Ryan and the other local collaborators will be performing at, head to this page on the Live Theatre site:

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