
Posts Tagged ‘don draper’

Welcome to our mini-series introducing the brilliant local writers we’re collaborating with on the project. First up, Ryan Watson…

Hi Ryan, first up, and crucially of course, what would you say is the ‘speciality dish’ for you family gatherings?
My Nan’s dinners. They usually involve Gravy and chicken/beef, the best mash potato EVER and Yorkshire puddings. Pickled Onions on the side too. Celery sometimes makes an appearance.

After our first workshops at the weekend it’s clear you’ve got a real talent for writing, what got you started?
I’ve always been really into my TV shows, since Thomas the Tank Engine and Power Rangers and I’ve always been half in my own little bubble world. Then I discovered Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and a writer called Neil Gaiman and they inspired me to try and write my bubble world down and see if anyone likes it.

Nice one, what elements of this ‘bubble world’ will you be shedding light on in your piece for this project? Actually don’t give too much away, just the title and the tagline you came up with in the session will do!
Well it’s called ‘The Wedding Present’ and the tagline is:
‘The family’s here. Mum’s getting Married. Growing up’s never smelt so bad.’

Good stuff – does what a tagline should, I want to know more! Maybe just a little excerpt?!
Here goes…
‘I’m the cool guy in the suit, I’m Don Draper.
It’s up to me to save the day.
I take off my jacket. I roll up my sleeves
just to show it I mean business, just to show it who’s boss.
And I walk in there. A peg on my nose and a bucket of water
are my only weapons, my only defence in this great battle.’

Great man, thanks, hopefully that will have whetted a few appetites to the point they want to hear the full piece at the event!Finally, then who’s your hero?

My Hero has to be Batman. Any Batman. Except George Clooney.

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